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FairWIn Diary. Creating animation for Top Drop

The protagonists of the game are smugglers. The game represents a 5x3 online slot. The purpose is to deliver cargoes to the destination and not to fall into the clutches of cops.

Fuel Symbol

The game consists of three phases. The action of the first one develops on an airstrip. You need to fill the plane with fuel. For this purpose the player need to get the “Fuel” symbols on the reels.

When you have enough fuel at your disposal, Phase 2 is on — you load the plane with batches of your product, then it takes off. Now the player needs to dump cargoes in certain places in the country.

The third phase — the player is overtaken by cops. Now he needs to shoot to get rid of the heat or resolve the question peacefully (by means of money). For this purpose the player needs to land the “Bribe” symbols (to pay off) or bullets (to try to escape from a pursuit).

If they put you behind bars all the same, you have a right to make one call. There is no one in the interrogation room except for an investigator and a telephone book with unknown numbers, one of which is the number of the person who can help you out.

After the end of the third phase the game is repeated. Every new cycle grants the player an opportunity to buy a new car. The cooler the car, the more bonuses you can gain.

These are the rules of the game. Many details will be perfected and specified in the course of development. So follow the news of FairWin and wait for the release of Yggdrasil on blockchain.

The FWIN token sale and issue will begin after the 7th of July, 2018.

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