Yo no me quiero morir

Yo no me quiero morir de beber. Tampoco de pena. No me quiero morir con miedo. Ni de hambre. Ni de sed. Yo no me quiero morir procrastinando. Tampoco de un disparo. No me quiero morir por accidente…


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What to Read Next? Check This Out!

Greeting! They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so here are all the books I’ve added to Books Galore in recent weeks — in book jacket format!

Here is the easy link to all of these books: https://medium.com/books-galore

I hope you will tell your friends about Books Galore. I need your help to make this publication G-R-O-W!

Here is that easy link to all the reviews again: https://medium.com/books-galore

Best regards,

Lorie Kleiner Eckert

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